Experiencias únicas en Riviera di Levante

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Actividades con las mejores calificaciones

Crucero y chapuzón al atardecer en Cinque Terre con Yuri
We will meet you at the harbor in Riomaggiore, and then embark on our magical sunset tour. During the tour, we will slowly cruise up the Cinque Terre coast, stopping in front of each village to give you the opportunity to take photos of the villages from the sea, which is hands down, the best way to capture each village's beauty. Once we reach Monterosso, we will turn around and slowly head back to Riomaggiore. With the sun setting behind us, you will have the perfect view to capture magnificent photos. During the tour, you can sip on bubbles and enjoy homemade focaccia from the local baker, made fresh daily and a must-try food while in the Cinque Terre. You can also jump in the sea for a sunset dip during the tour. Take a deep breath, and enjoy the paradise that surrounds you. Our aim is to make your night, and maybe even your holiday in the Cinque Terre, a lifelong memory and show you 'La dolce vita.' The tour lasts for around 2.5 hours.e your night, and maybe even your holiday in the Cinque Terre, a lifelong memory and show you 'La dolce vita.' The tour lasts for around 2.5 hours.
Pasta y salsas italianas de toda la vida
In Anna's kitchen you will be invited to cook Ligurian style the old way, using mortar and pestle to make pesto sauce and other traditional sauces. Even more you will be taught how to make fresh pasta like Lasagne or Pansotti and dress them with typical sauces. Vegetables pies, seafood and a colorful variety of focaccias Ligurian style will be the extra choices for making up your favourite workshop menus. Anna is fluent either in English and French and will lead you into the genuine Ligurian culture and traditions through her recipes. Local wine and a final meal will be offered in the cozy garden overlooking the gulf.
Cocina toscana en una granja ecológica
We are going to meet by the Forestarìa farm on the northen hills of Lucca. We will start the cooking class with a glass of local wine :-) In the kitchen of our farmhouse, we will cook together authentic&traditional tuscan recepies. Later, you will enjoy the dinner in our garden with a beautiful sunset! Other things to note Our cooking class is an experience that combines traditional&authentic recepies, organic vegetables&fruits from our garden and lot of smiles&laughs...under the magical tuscan sun!
Espaguetis y lasaña a la italiana
"AC PRESENT" Lasagna is one of the best dishes in Italy. We will teach you how to do it! It will be a very fun experience, our teachers are waiting for you in our cooking school.
Also will learn how to make Spaghetti! We will be in San Frediano, the school can be reached from any point in the historic centre, even on walking. We will provide you with the tools that are useful for the preparation: kitchen gown, rolling pin, pasta cutter, eggs, and flour. We will show you how to cook sauces to season your pasta. During the experience, we will offer you the wine that I produce on my organic farm, made with natural methods. Wine will be served at mealtime. If you want to drink during the lesson you can buy some bottles at our shop before the class. After preparing the pasta, we will set a table and eat it together the pasta that you have prepared, like an Italian family. To finish, we will also taste a delicious chocolate dessert. All of you will receive the recipes with our secrets. Generally, the course lasts 3 hours with about 12 people per group, we are pleased to meet you and let you spend a nice time with us for a fun and unique experience. The class is held only in English!!
Los secretos del parmigiano reggiano y el vinagre balsámico
At the arrival I will offer you cofee break, and I will give you a lab coat for the access to the production area. I’ll bring you along a complete tour to discover all the steps of Parmigiano Reggiano’s production. We’ll see where the animals are bred and where the milk is mould. We’ll go into the cheese factory during milk processing and we'll witness in cooking and making cheese wheels. We’ll see then the process of salting and maturing up to enter the huge “caveau”, where thousands of cheeses wheels are guarded and laid out in long rows in the silent maturation rooms and where the scent of cheese will smell so nice and exciting that we won’t be able to resist till the final tasting of cheese and local typical products. Other things to note if the experience is full but you arrive by car, maybe I can add availability. please contact me and check

Recorre los viñedos locales de sorbo en sorbo

Descubre de cerca un viñedo de Langhe
inizieremo con una passeggiata nel vigneto, fino al punto panoramico da dove potrai ammirare le colline del Barolo, Barbaresco e Roero in un unico, dove a seconda della stagione potrai partecipare attivamente alle diverse lavorazioni, per capire come il vino nasce nel vigneto, come un taglio sapiente di un tralcio può incidere sulla qualità delle uve e quindi sul vino. tutti i nostri vigneti sono situati sulla sommità della collina di Altavilla nel comune di Alba, circondati dal maestoso paesaggio delle Langhe da una parte e delle Alpi dall'altra. Entrando in cantina è possibile apprendere la costituzione del suolo delle nostre colline che godono di una composizione minerale unica al mondo, è possibile vedere e toccare con mano la stratificazione del suolo dal Miocene ad oggi! l'esperienza prosegue in cantina dove è possibile vedere tutte le fasi della vinificazione, dalla vendemmia all'affinamento in barricaia. infine la degustazione dei vini, alla scoperta dei profumi anche grazie all'ausilio di aromi per imparare ad "addestrare l'olfatto" come un vero sommelier! i vini sono abbinati a prodotti del territorio selezionati dalle migliori aziende agricole. in più punti del percorso è possibile igenizzare le mani, o lavarle con acqua e sapone. Se il tempo permette potremo fare la degustazione all'aperto in giardino. Altre cose da tenere a mente è possibile portare con se i cani nel vigneto, ma per motivi di igiene non è possibile portarli in cantina in caso di maltempo l'esperienza viene svolta interamente al coperto
Cata de vino y visita a una bodega y los viñedos
A cavallo tra Langhe e Monferrato, l'azienda Bussi Piero ti apre le sue porte Qui saremo accolti dal titolare e produttore Federico, che incarna la quarta generazione alla guida della cantina. La visita inizierà proprio dalle vigne, dove Federico ci accompagnerà per una breve passeggiata per spiegare le caratteristiche del territorio che ci circonda. Quindi ci sposteremo nella cantina, attraversando le aree dedicate alla vinificazione e all'invecchiamento, allo stoccaggio e all'imbottigliamento. A questo punto potremo accomodarci sulla terrazza panoramica, con vista sui vigneti del Monferrato, per iniziare la degustazione guidata dal produttore. Assaggeremo 6 calici di vini, sia bianchi che rossi, che potranno cambiare a seconda della disponibilità: *Esempio* Piemonte DOC Chardonnay Langhe DOC Nebbiolo Calosso DOC Barbera d'Asti DOCG Barbera d'Asti DOCG Superiore Moscato d'Asti DOCG Ad accompagnare i vini ci sarà un piccolo tagliere di prodotti del territorio come salumi, formaggi, grissini e nocciole di produzione propria. L'attività avrà una durata totale di circa 1 ora e mezza.
Bach: concierto entre viñedos
My guests will enjoy one of the best views of the hillside in Cinque Terre, enjoy local specialties and listen to my Bach played live on the piano. The focus of this year, 2024, will be J. S. Bach's Goldberg Variations and Six Partitas. I will welcome my guests into my property, inside the Cinque Terre National Park, where they will visit a young vineyard, learn about the building techniques of the old dry stone walls that are peculiar to this area and hear some historical background of what makes our area so unique. Afterwards, they will enjoy a full lunch or dinner, a selection of wines and my homemade lemon liqueurs while enjoying classical piano music played live. I provide transportation for a maximum of 10 guests per session, from Riomaggiore and back, at my expense. The whole event will take place outdoors, on my terrace above the vines. If the weather does not allow for an enjoyable outdoor setting the event will be cancelled and our guests entirely reimbursed. Bring along your camera, drinking water and an umbrella/blanket according to the weather.
Sube la escalera al cielo del vino
We will meet up in Manarola, and after a quick walk through the village, which will be nice and quiet in the morning, we will start our adventure by taking a deep breath and hiking up to Volastra, a wonderful hamlet as far off the beaten path as you can get in this area. The hike is straight uphill and it will make you sweat, we promise! There will be plenty of visual rewards along the path, though, because you will get the most spectacular views of Manarola and the sea, almost like you were a drone (only without flying off the rocks!). Then, after approximately 1 hour, we will reach our destination. And there, only there, will you feel like you have earned your well deserved wine tasting. We will drink the wine of one of the greatest local winemakers right on his vineyard while looking at the Mediterranean directly below, almost touching the sky and rejoicing in the power of nature. After the wine tasting, our experience is finished. From Volastra, you can choose to continue on the trail to Corniglia, the next Cinque Terre town, go back down the trail to Manarola, or take the eco-bus down to Manarola at a cost of 2.50 per person. Rain can be serious in the Cinque Terre, so if it is raining too heavily, or if the National Park issues a weather alert, we won't be able to do the hike. In that case, we will take the bus up to Volastra at an additional cost of 2.50 per person.
Inmersión vitícola
Forget about any other wine tasting you did before, with many glasses on a counter and just small bites! Our wine tour engages you in body and taste. I’ll bring you in the middle of our vineyards treading the land, touching branches and leaves and the grapes that mywines come from. At the end of the walk, enjoy the amazing view from the Castle of Pava, overlooking Volterra, and sit for a friendly chat about wine and oil, tasting the fantastic Tuscan food, cooked by mum. Every glass will match some delicious snakcs: bruschetta, crostini, panzerotti, a Tuscan soup and more handmade jams and honey, local cheeses and cold cuts. You need to schedule a full morning or an afternoon for that: you spend a couple of tasty hours with me. And at the end of the tour, if you loved them, you can buy our wines in our wineshop or order them to be delivered to your home door. Other things to note Please rememebr to dress closed shoes. no slip-on. Suitable for children but no strollers. Please condsider that this trail might be quite challenging for those are not used to walk in the countryside or those who have motor disability.

Las experiencias más populares en Riviera di Levante

Paseo en barco por Cinque Terre
Our daytime tour starts from Riomaggiore, which is the southernmost village in the Cinque Terre. We slowly make our way up the coast to Monterosso. We will stop in front of every village to snap photos from the boat. Don't forget to bring your swimsuit and towel because we'll be stopping for a swim during the tour (for those who choose to). After we have arrived in Monterosso, we'll head offshore so you can see the entire Cinque Terre coast and this beautiful perspective as we head back to Riomaggiore. With a maximum of 11 guests, our tours are intimate. Please note we do not offer food or drink on our day tours, but feel free to bring your own! Your captains are either Yuri or Beppe, both born and raised captains in the Cinque Terre. Get ready to have a great time and good laugh.
Las Cinque Terre inolvidables desde el mar
we will leave aboard a comfortable boat for the fascinating 5 lands. swimming in coves accessible only from the sea, snorkeling surrounded by colorful fish and the view of the wonderful 5 lands from a unique point of view! Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore the 5 wonders that inspired poets and writers and where the last disney film Luca was set, from a privileged point of view: the sea! And to conclude with a flourish, an aperitif on board will be offered based on local wine and homemade focaccia from our oven! Far from mass tourism, equipped with every comfort, you will surely experience an unforgettable day of your holidays!
Pesto Class a Vernazza, Cinque Terre
Impara a preparare la salsa più famosa del mondo: il PESTO!! Facciamo tutto a mano con pestello e mortaio, usando solo ingredienti selezionati! Io ho imparato a fare il pesto dalla nonna Linda, è così gustoso e semplice che sicuramente lo rifarete centinaia di volte a casa con gli amici, vi basta qualche piccolo segreto! Saremo in una tipica cantina delle Cinque Terre, arredata con sasso e legno, un tuffo nella Vernazza ottocentesca! Prepareremo il pesto nel mortaio e lo useremo come condimento per la pasta nelle versioni pranzo/cena delle 12:30/ 8:00, mentre nelle versioni merenda/aperitivo delle 15:00/17:30 sarà la nostra salsa per pane o focaccia, in tutte le versioni degusteremo 3 vini bianchi Cinque Terre e abbineremo 3 oli extravergini liguri a pane, focaccia e formaggio! Se avete allergie al glutine abbiamo crackers/pasta gluten-free, se non bevete alcolici sono disponibili soft drinks. SOLO PER LA VERSIONE DELLE 12:30 PM E DELLE 8:00 PM mangeremo la PASTA dentro al mortaio e finiremo il pranzo con LIMONCINO fatto con limoni di Vernazza e cioccolato, se volete questa versione in altri orari comunicatecelo direttamente.
Cinque Terre al atardecer: bebidas, chapuzón, música y diversión
The tour start from the little dock of Manarola, at the same dock from where the ferries to Cinque Terre depart aboard an 8-meter open boat. It runs along the 5 villages from Manarola towards Monterosso. Arriving at Guvano beach, behind Corniglia, we stop for the first swim break; with snorkeling equipment you can admire the clear waters and the local fish. It starts again with a panoramic view of the coast and all the various types of sedimentary rocks, explanations on the paths and the type of wine produced, another swim stop after the view of the seaside village of Vernazza to then reach the last of the 5 lands, Monterosso. After the view of the village and the beaches, the route is reversed to return to Riomaggiore, another swim stop one mile from the coast, drinking good prosecco, waiting for the sunset to then return to Manarola
Disfruta de un recorrido en barco al atardecer
¡Bienvenidos a nuestra experiencia! Con los dos capitanes Steeven y Christian dejaremos el puerto deportivo de Riomaggiore para ir al siguiente pueblo Manarola y continuar (quedándonos en cada pueblo desde el mar, para tomar muchas fotos hermosas, todo esto siempre cerca de la costa), continuaremos hacia Corniglia, el único pueblo que está a 100 metros sobre el nivel del mar, haremos una parada para nadar con el pescado y snorkel, a bordo te ofreceremos prosecco, coca-cola o agua y aperitivos como el focaccia ligero, llegaremos a Vernazza uno de los pueblos más populares por los turistas, y finalmente iremos hacia Monterosso, el pueblo más grande, y admiraremos Monterosso desde el mar, siempre volveremos a la costa para admirar el sol que se pone y volveremos tranquilamente.

Actividades cerca de las principales atracciones

Leaning Tower of PisaRecomendado por 358 habitantes locales
Le TerrazzeRecomendado por 256 habitantes locales
Cattedrale di San Lorenzo - Duomo di GenovaRecomendado por 153 habitantes locales
Museo del Mar de GalataRecomendado por 133 habitantes locales
Piazza De FerrariRecomendado por 129 habitantes locales
Piazza AnfiteatroRecomendado por 34 habitantes locales

Todas las actividades cerca de Riviera di Levante

Clase de cocina y almuerzo en el jardín
In questa lezione di cucina imparerai a cucinare uno dei piatti più tipici della tradizione ligure partendo da zero: naturalmente sto parlando della pasta al pesto! Impasteremo pasta fresca di diverso tipo: corzetti,trenette,gnocchi,testaroli o trofie, utilizzando utensili tradizionali ed impareremo le tecniche per modellarla. Dopodiché prepareremo il famoso pesto con gli ingredienti autentici, ovviamente con l'uso di mortaio e pestello! Ti accoglieremo con un aperitivo/spuntino di benvenuto nella nostra meravigliosa location, un giardino fiorito a due passi dalla stazione di Genova Piazza Principe e una volta preparato il nostro piatto pranzeremo insieme.
Tour completo de comida de cinco paradas en Génova
¡TODA LA COMIDA ESTÁ INCLUIDA! Al menos 4 paradas para comer (la elección de la comida depende de la temporada y la disponibilidad): - Pasta con pesto - Pasteles salados - Focaccia con queso - Calamares fritos - Anchoas - Farinata - Focaccia clásica con aceite de oliva - Café y postre / helado (con los mejores ingredientes) De qué trata este tour: Comida deliciosa Compañía agradable con un guia local Curiosidades y anécdotas Bonito paseo por el centro de la ciudad Diversión y risas Nuevos amigos de todo el mundo Lo que NO es este tour Un tour histórico Aburridos discursos largos POR FAVOR, TEN EN CUENTA QUE EL TOUR SE REALIZARÁ EN ITALIANO/INGLÉS. CONTACTA CON NOSOTROS PARA OTROS IDIOMAS CONTACTA CON NOSOTROS PARA UN TOUR PRIVADO Las rutas de Do Eat Better Experience son una mezcla de gastronomía de alta calidad como forma de mostrar la cultura y el estilo de vida de los italianos y una experiencia a pie junto a un amigo local. Serás guiado por un "Foodie", un "amigo" local capaz de explicarte cada detalle de los restaurantes seleccionados, sus preparaciones y las curiosidades pertinentes. Sólo aceptamos grupos pequeños porque queremos centrarnos en un intercambio genuino y dar a cada persona la mayor atención posible. Tendrás la oportunidad de probar algunas delicias gastronómicas de nuestra hermosa ciudad, descubriendo lugares secretos que los guías turísticos tradicionales ni siquiera mencionan. Te ofrecemos una experiencia culinaria excepcional y única!
Navega por la bahía de Portofino
We'll meet at the Rapallo Harbour, introduce you to my sailboat and set sail straight away. As soon as we exit the harbour we'll be greeted by the stunning view of San Michele di Pagana, one of the less known and most beautiful towns around Portofino, next we'll head in the direction of Portofino passing through the magnificent bays of Santa Margherita ligure and Paraggi. Once close to Portofino I'll sneak inside the tiny harbour and you'll be able to admire the typical painted facades of the village houses and just outside Dolce and Gabbana's private villa hidden behind the bay before passing the Portofino Lighthouse. At this point we will head to San Fruttuoso di Camogli, the real pearl of the region, a tiny village you can only reach by sea built around an ancient abbey in the cutest of bays right in the middle of the Natural reserve. Here you check out the underwater statue "Cristo degli Abissi", you can swim, relax, use the SUP board, try wakesurfing behind the boat (for real) or just sunbathe. I'll drop you off in the same spot as I picked you up in Rapallo. Temperatures are good all year long and it's nice to swim well into December and as early as April! If you want to be picked up and/or dropped off in Santa Margherita that's possible too.. I'll be arriving approximately 15 minutes later. Hope to see you soon! Cheers Giuliano
Tour Privato nel Centro Storico di Genova con un Local
Ciao ! Sono Antonio, sono cresciuto a Genova e sono pronto a mostrarti la mia Città in un modo interessante e divertente ! Ho lavorato come Accompagnatore Turistico e adesso lo faccio per passione. Ti propongo un Tour privato attraverso uno dei Centri Storici più grandi d'Europa, dove vedremo sia le attrazioni principali sia le parti meno conosciute e particolari, difficili da trovare da soli ! Ti racconterò Storie e Curiosità sulla Città, e quello che ha significato per me. Potrai entrare nei Palazzi e Chiese se vorrai. Vuoi dei ricordi indimenticabili ? Sarò il tuo fotografo per un giorno e ti scatterò delle belle foto nei luoghi più iconici del Centro ! Vuoi provare Cibo e Bevande locali ? Te li consiglierò io e potrai assaggiarli se vorrai ! Vuoi conoscere Gente del luogo ? Te li presenterò se vorrai ! Il nostro Tour comincerà da Piazza De Ferrari, la piazza principale della Città. Disponibile anche in caso di pioggia. Parlo Italiano, Spagnolo, Inglese e un po' di Francese ! Max 7 persone per mantenere un'atmosfera Informale, Amichevole, Rilassata e di Qualità ! Siete in un gruppo di 3+ persone? Sconto per voi ! Sono a disposizione per QUALUNQUE Info o Consiglio. Avrai il mio Supporto fino al termine del tuo Soggiorno. Ricordati Sempre che la Vita è un'Avventura
Paseo en barco por Cinque Terre
Our daytime tour starts from Riomaggiore, which is the southernmost village in the Cinque Terre. We slowly make our way up the coast to Monterosso. We will stop in front of every village to snap photos from the boat. Don't forget to bring your swimsuit and towel because we'll be stopping for a swim during the tour (for those who choose to). After we have arrived in Monterosso, we'll head offshore so you can see the entire Cinque Terre coast and this beautiful perspective as we head back to Riomaggiore. With a maximum of 11 guests, our tours are intimate. Please note we do not offer food or drink on our day tours, but feel free to bring your own! Your captains are either Yuri or Beppe, both born and raised captains in the Cinque Terre. Get ready to have a great time and good laugh.
Las Cinque Terre inolvidables desde el mar
we will leave aboard a comfortable boat for the fascinating 5 lands. swimming in coves accessible only from the sea, snorkeling surrounded by colorful fish and the view of the wonderful 5 lands from a unique point of view! Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore the 5 wonders that inspired poets and writers and where the last disney film Luca was set, from a privileged point of view: the sea! And to conclude with a flourish, an aperitif on board will be offered based on local wine and homemade focaccia from our oven! Far from mass tourism, equipped with every comfort, you will surely experience an unforgettable day of your holidays!
Cinque Terre al atardecer: bebidas, chapuzón, música y diversión
The tour start from the little dock of Manarola, at the same dock from where the ferries to Cinque Terre depart aboard an 8-meter open boat. It runs along the 5 villages from Manarola towards Monterosso. Arriving at Guvano beach, behind Corniglia, we stop for the first swim break; with snorkeling equipment you can admire the clear waters and the local fish. It starts again with a panoramic view of the coast and all the various types of sedimentary rocks, explanations on the paths and the type of wine produced, another swim stop after the view of the seaside village of Vernazza to then reach the last of the 5 lands, Monterosso. After the view of the village and the beaches, the route is reversed to return to Riomaggiore, another swim stop one mile from the coast, drinking good prosecco, waiting for the sunset to then return to Manarola
Crucero y chapuzón al atardecer en Cinque Terre con Yuri
We will meet you at the harbor in Riomaggiore, and then embark on our magical sunset tour. During the tour, we will slowly cruise up the Cinque Terre coast, stopping in front of each village to give you the opportunity to take photos of the villages from the sea, which is hands down, the best way to capture each village's beauty. Once we reach Monterosso, we will turn around and slowly head back to Riomaggiore. With the sun setting behind us, you will have the perfect view to capture magnificent photos. During the tour, you can sip on bubbles and enjoy homemade focaccia from the local baker, made fresh daily and a must-try food while in the Cinque Terre. You can also jump in the sea for a sunset dip during the tour. Take a deep breath, and enjoy the paradise that surrounds you. Our aim is to make your night, and maybe even your holiday in the Cinque Terre, a lifelong memory and show you 'La dolce vita.' The tour lasts for around 2.5 hours.e your night, and maybe even your holiday in the Cinque Terre, a lifelong memory and show you 'La dolce vita.' The tour lasts for around 2.5 hours.
Magic Ride Génova y Riviera en scooter
Sienta el aire, la libertad y la emoción de visitar Génova en scooter. Podemos visitar fácilmente los puntos principales de la ciudad junto con otras áreas que no suelen ser vistas por los turistas pero que son igualmente hermosas. Tendremos una experiencia completa con momentos de libertad, entretenimiento y crecimiento personal. Comenzaremos nuestro recorrido visitando la plaza muy especial e importante de la Piazza de Ferrari, luego subiremos a las colinas para disfrutar de diferentes puntos de vista, pararemos en una plaza escondida que guarda una verdadera farmacia antigua, que productos infundidos desde el Renacimiento. Luego bajaremos para descubrir lo que vimos desde lo alto: veremos los yates atracados en el Puerto Viejo, las puertas antiguas de la ciudad (1100 ac) y la Via Aurea, la calle más elegante y majestuosa. Iremos a lugares más distantes como la Piazza della Vittoria y la arquitectura de 1900, Corso Italia (paseo marítimo) Boccadasse (ex pueblo de pescadores, hoy fascinante barrio de la ciudad) Monumento (desde donde Garibaldi navegó hacia la Italia unificada) Nervi (paseo marítimo con vistas increíbles del cabo Portofino) y Bogliasco (pueblo pesquero fuera de Génova). Visitaremos todo con calma y a baja velocidad, para disfrutar del panorama, hablar de cultura / historia y sentirnos seguros / cómodos. Tendrás un recorrido personalizado, solo tú. En caso de que esté con un amigo o prometido y sepa conducir un scooter, podemos organizar 2 scooters Otros aspectos destacables Relájate y disfruta del viaje. aprenderemos muchas cosas juntos y crearemos una amistad
Pasta y salsas italianas de toda la vida
In Anna's kitchen you will be invited to cook Ligurian style the old way, using mortar and pestle to make pesto sauce and other traditional sauces. Even more you will be taught how to make fresh pasta like Lasagne or Pansotti and dress them with typical sauces. Vegetables pies, seafood and a colorful variety of focaccias Ligurian style will be the extra choices for making up your favourite workshop menus. Anna is fluent either in English and French and will lead you into the genuine Ligurian culture and traditions through her recipes. Local wine and a final meal will be offered in the cozy garden overlooking the gulf.
Cata de vinos organizada por Tenuta Adamo
The experience starts with a 15/20 minute tour of our cellar in the hills of Lucca. Guests will be guided through the production stages and explained the procedure of our wine preparation. Depending on the time of year, you may even see our creation process in action! Afterwards, the real fun begins:D Guests will be accommodated on the terrace where they can taste our wines and olive oil (all included in the cost of the experience). Throughout your tasting, we will explain the organoleptic characteristics of the various wines and answer any questions you may have. The duration of the entire experience is around 1.5 hours. Disclaimer: As a winery, we host multiple reservations at a time, this is not a private setting.
Cocina toscana en una granja ecológica
We are going to meet by the Forestarìa farm on the northen hills of Lucca. We will start the cooking class with a glass of local wine :-) In the kitchen of our farmhouse, we will cook together authentic&traditional tuscan recepies. Later, you will enjoy the dinner in our garden with a beautiful sunset! Other things to note Our cooking class is an experience that combines traditional&authentic recepies, organic vegetables&fruits from our garden and lot of smiles&laughs...under the magical tuscan sun!
Espaguetis y lasaña a la italiana
"AC PRESENT" Lasagna is one of the best dishes in Italy. We will teach you how to do it! It will be a very fun experience, our teachers are waiting for you in our cooking school.
Also will learn how to make Spaghetti! We will be in San Frediano, the school can be reached from any point in the historic centre, even on walking. We will provide you with the tools that are useful for the preparation: kitchen gown, rolling pin, pasta cutter, eggs, and flour. We will show you how to cook sauces to season your pasta. During the experience, we will offer you the wine that I produce on my organic farm, made with natural methods. Wine will be served at mealtime. If you want to drink during the lesson you can buy some bottles at our shop before the class. After preparing the pasta, we will set a table and eat it together the pasta that you have prepared, like an Italian family. To finish, we will also taste a delicious chocolate dessert. All of you will receive the recipes with our secrets. Generally, the course lasts 3 hours with about 12 people per group, we are pleased to meet you and let you spend a nice time with us for a fun and unique experience. The class is held only in English!!
Los secretos del parmigiano reggiano y el vinagre balsámico
At the arrival I will offer you cofee break, and I will give you a lab coat for the access to the production area. I’ll bring you along a complete tour to discover all the steps of Parmigiano Reggiano’s production. We’ll see where the animals are bred and where the milk is mould. We’ll go into the cheese factory during milk processing and we'll witness in cooking and making cheese wheels. We’ll see then the process of salting and maturing up to enter the huge “caveau”, where thousands of cheeses wheels are guarded and laid out in long rows in the silent maturation rooms and where the scent of cheese will smell so nice and exciting that we won’t be able to resist till the final tasting of cheese and local typical products. Other things to note if the experience is full but you arrive by car, maybe I can add availability. please contact me and check
La Dolce Vita en la costa italiana
We will leave from Framura port, to escape from the confusion of mass tourism. Aboard a comfortable 6.5 meter boat, we will leave for Bonassola where we will pass in front of its bay for a refreshing swim in the crystal clear waters of the "Prie Rosse", a fascinating spot where you can snorkel in crystal clear waters and not reachable if not by boat. We will admire the beautiful villa overlooking the sea and then head towards Framura. Passing through the beach of "Porto Pidocchio" we will head off the beaches of "Valla '", beautiful sandy beaches difficult to reach and still little known. And more the "pietre rosse" and many others After so many baths and snorkelling, what better than a rich and delicious aperitif with the famous focaccia of "Cueva Blanca" and a glass of 5 Terre wine in a suggestive spot abord of a boat. The experience will leave you without a doubt an indelible memory of a different and wonderful day spent in unique places! Other things to note In case of bad weather conditions the experience will be canceled
  1. Airbnb
  2. Italia
  3. Liguria
  4. Riviera di Levante