Experiencias únicas en Palermo

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Cuando los resultados estén disponibles, podrás navegar usando las teclas de las flechas hacia arriba y hacia abajo, o bien tocando y deslizando la pantalla.

Actividades con las mejores calificaciones

Tour por Palermo: auténtica comida callejera y mercados
If you want to taste authentic Sicilian street food and catch the real soul of Palermo, this is the right choice! We will walk you around the Capo and Vucciria markets to enjoy the best local street food. You will try the original arancini recipe at the only place in town that still makes it! We will take you to family-run bakeries, delis and old inns to sample traditional street food and sip some regional wine ;) We will unveil the secrets of Sicilian cuisine, and discuss the history of foods and recipes. You'll meet market vendors and funny street characters. Try this out if you want to experience real Palermo and leave your comfort zone. Not only food! During the walk, we will also discuss other topics like history, traditions and social issues (eg. mafia). We will also share with you the best tips to enjoy the rest of your stay like a real local. MUST KNOW: traditional street food is super tasty and regulated by the "3 F" rule: Fried, Fat, Full of carbs. MORNING TOUR: explore the local markets of Capo and Vucciria. Choose the morning option to experience the colorful and lively markets. EVENING TOUR: let us take you around the intricate alleys of the modern port of La Cala and the busy nightlife area of La Vucciria. Choose the night tour to skip summer heat and try some unique night-time bites. If there are any vegetarians or pescatarians, please inform us previously.
Paseo y degustación de comida callejera en Palermo
My name is Domenico Aronica and i m the founder of the website palermowalkingtour(com). My group tour is not just a food tour, but it's a mix of history, culture, architecture, monuments and street food. The MORNING GROUP WALKING TOUR starts at 9.30 am, with me or with my team of official Tour Guides and we will walk for 3 hours / 4 km. In the first part of the Walking Tour we will visit monuments and churches and in the second part of the Walking Tour we will explore the big outdoor food market and we will eat the famous street food of Palermo (food included, no fish). At the end of the tour I will give you many suggestions of what you can do on your own in Palermo. You will understand Palermo and its old history! This group tour is not suggested for children under 7 years old, the group tour is in english. Other things to note: Street food tastings like arancini, focaccia, fresh juice, cannoli, etc (it’s like a lunch! food included, no fish) and entrances fees in the churches that we will visit are included. Before book a private tour please send me a message to check my availability.
Ruta en bicicleta por Palermo y degustación
We’ll discover the architecturally-impressive Piazza Bellini e Piazza Pretoria, with outstanding examples of Arabic, Norman, Byzantine and Spanish art. Then we’ll ride across the main ancient “Cassaro” street, visiting the outstanding square of San Francesco, the impressive “Piazza Marina” with its giant ficus trees and the massif “Steri palace” that once housed the Spanish Inquisition. We’ll gain the charming tourist port of the “Cala” and then the spectacular expanse of greenery called “Foro Italico”, admiring beautiful seafront buildings and the unique view over the coast of Palermo. We’ll end up this tour with a taste of our unique traditional street food (arancini, panelle, milza, etc.) and then we’ll return the bikes at our drop-off point at Discesa dei Giudici. Other things to note This tour is suitable for all people. It is a slowly tour. We have also electric bikes (20 euro extra). We ride only in safe area.
Sesión de fotos de Instagram en Palermo
¡Este es un recorrido fotográfico adaptado a cualquiera! ¡Viajeros solos, parejas, familias, amigos, modelos, personas influyentes o personas simplemente cansadas de selfies! Recuerdos fotográficos en el auténtico Centro Histórico: Recorreremos las viejas calles de Palermo, buscando sus lugares emblemáticos y plazas secretas, compartiré contigo mis lugares favoritos y, por supuesto, caminaremos por los lugares más emblemáticos de la ciudad, mientras capturamos El momento para ti con mi cámara. ¿Primera vez que tienes una sesión de fotos? No hay necesidad de preocuparse. Incluso si es la primera vez que tomas una sesión de fotos, será fácil, ya que te contaré todo sobre cómo posar. Y si desea una sesión de fotos con su pareja, familia o amigos, esta será una experiencia muy divertida. Será una buena caminata, así que debes estar preparado para divertirte en el camino. *** Editaré todas tus mejores fotos y enviaré todas las fotos (50 o más fotos para 10 lugares) en 1 día ***
Tour in barca a vela Palermo
Mondello o Capo Zafferano "EXPERIENCE " Il Tour da me proposto inizia con l' appuntamento al Molo Trapezoidale della Palermo Marina Yachting presso il pontile Adorno&Giacalone, da dove partiremo in direzione del Golfo di Mondello o verso Capo Zafferano. Durante la navigazione gli ospiti potranno vivere una esperienza unica, ammirando la bellezza della costa palermitana. Giunti in rada, si potrà fare il bagno e degustare un aperitivo tipico siciliano, accompagnato da un ottimo vino locale. Potrete prendere il sole comodamente a prua e/o godere di un ampia zona ombreggiata a poppa. Verranno messi a vostra disposizione materassini da mare, Sup e maschere subacque per fare snorkeling. Se è possibile, potremmo organizzare anche un cambio di orario e/o evento. In caso di avverse condizioni meteo l'esperienza verrà annullata e sarete interamente rimborsati.

Prepara recetas auténticas con chefs locales

Adéntrate en la cocina siciliana
On a typical lesson day we meet in the morning at one of Palermo’s oldest markets, shop around for any items we will need for the lesson and then stroll to the air-conditioned kitchen in The Sicilian Pantry cookery school where we prepare a 4 course Sicilian meal, learning the techniques and tricks needed to recreate it when you return home. Meals are made up of a starter, pasta course, main course and desert (changes can be made for individuals with specific dietary requirements where appropriate). After the lesson we can sit down together to enjoy the fruits of our labour along with a selection of Sicilian wines rounded off with some homemade liqueurs and coffee. We believe that the true expression of Sicilian cuisine comes from the quality of its fresh seasonal produce so we strive to always ensure that we have the best of what Sicily has to offer in order to share this with our guests. This is an entertaining and informative day out, recommended for cooks of all levels. Other things to note Please let us know as soon as possible if you (or any in your party) have any dietary requirements, intolerances etc.
Festín para tus papilas gustativas
Inizieremo la nostra esperienza di buon mattino incontrandoci presso "Porta Carini" porta d' ingresso di uno dei mercati più famosi della città, il Capo. Ci addentreremo lungo i vicoli del mercato, ricco di mercanzie, e qui compreremo tutto l' occorrente per realizzare insieme il menù da voi scelto. Tra le bancarelle ricche di merce , tra colori e voci si avrà l'impressione di stare in uno dei suk di una qualsiasi città musulmana. Visitare un mercato palermitano è un esperienza multiculturale, essi esprimono in pieno la cultura poliedrica e cosmopolita del palermitano. Finiti i nostri acquisti , ci avvieremo verso la mia abitazione, che si trova a pochi minuti da Piazza Politeama. Qui la nostra esperienza proseguirà con la preparazione dei piatti. Sotto la mia supervisione la mia cucina diventerà lo scenario della vostre creazioni culinarie. La cucina siciliana, ritenuta tra le più creative e scenografiche al mondo è strettamente collegata alle vicende storiche, culturali e religiose dell'isola. Dall'antipasto al dolce vi narrerò l' origine e la storia di ogni piatto, e questo sarà motivo di confronto e interscambio tra le nostre culture.
Cocina siciliana con Antonio
The experience that domuskitchen.com offer, and to involve people from other countries and other cultures, the original Sicilian cuisine and present it in a suggestive location in symbiosis with nature and culture of a land ( the Sicilian ) that 5000 years now and been conquered and transformed by the many civilizations that have followed Other things to note Chef Antonio will do for you cooking class and dinne whit seafood but For non-fish lovers, Antonio will prepare some meat, vegetarian or children's dishes
Antipasti para chuparse los dedos
Learn how to prepare and cook an authentic meal from Palermo with the help of a chef. Shop for fresh ingredients at the city's oldest market, taste fine Sicilian wine and more. Meet your chef at his home and learn to cook authentic local recipes. Get ready to prepare a meal like a local ! The menu will change according to the season but will always include an antipasto, primo (first course), secondo (second course), dessert, and fine Sicilian wine. The lesson lasts about 4 hours and is designed for a minimum of 2 people. Meet your friendly chef, seasoned chef born and raised in Palermo and live an amazing culinary experience. Learn the secrets of Sicilian culinary traditions, meet the vendors at the market and immerse yourself in an authentic Italian atmosphere. Get hands-on help to prepare an authentic Sicilian lunch on a traditional house. Then, sit down to enjoy the fruits of your labor with fine Sicilian wine. IMPORTANT : if you book the 6 pm class you will skip the market BUT you will have UNLIMITED local wine to make your experience really unforgettable! IMPORTANT2 : the market is only available on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. If you Book another day you have UNILIMITED wine VEGETARIAN OPTION AVAILABLE
Sabores de Sicilia: visita al mercado y clase de cocina (Palermo)
An exclusive and personalized culinary adventure - where master class meets lunch with friends :) Discover gourmet ingredients at the famous Del Capo Market and learn from a skilled chef as you create mouthwatering dishes together. WHAT TO EXPECT Morning Experiences: We’ll meet outside the market for a refreshing treat and then start a private 30 minute discovery. You’ll learn to choose out the best Sicilian ingredients, meet the friendly vendors and even sample some goodies. Next, we’ll make our way to my air conditioned kitchen for a fun interactive 3 hr cooking session. You can expect to learn about ingredients while actively making a delicious 3 course meal*. The menu varies according to the season but is comprised of a starter (usually pasta), main & dessert. Afterwards, enjoy a relaxed and delicious lunch with a couple of glasses of fine Sicilian wine. Evening Experiences: We will meet i the Piazza in front of the cooking studio. We will make 3 courses, including homemade pasta and enjoy Sicilian wines. The experience is from 5-8:30pm BY REQUEST ONLY! I look forward to sharing “la dolce vita” with you! * Please let me know of any food allergies or restrictions when you book, I’ll happily adapt the menu whenever possible! ** Cette experience est également disponible en français!!

Las experiencias más populares en Palermo

Los sicilianos que se rebelaron contra la mafia
You will walk with me or one of my fellow team members through the main roads and the back streets of the picturesque old town. You will learn about the Mafia, its brutal violence and its business, as well as about the people who stood up against the power of the organised crime. We will stop in front of monuments, memorials and shops, each is connected with a particular aspect of our story. Sometimes a small detail, that seems unsignificant at first glance, has a story behind it that is worth to be told. An example: Addiopizzo stickers on the shops windows we will see along the walking tour. They belongs to shopkeepers who have said NO to the protection money! You will also have the chance to support them, just buying a gelato, some local products or a souvenir of Palermo. Other things to note: You can recognize me because at the meeting point I will have a "No Mafia" backpack on my shoulder. IMPORTANT! The tour is offered in English, Italian or French, depending from the dates. Please scroll down this page and choose the correct date/language in the section "SEE MORE DATES".
Ruta de bares por Palermo
Únete a Pub Crawl Palermo para disfrutar de una noche inolvidable y divertida, con buen rollo y recuerdos increíbles. ¡No te pierdas! ¡Reserva hoy mismo ! Ocio nocturno número1 en Palermo por TripAdvisor y Airbnb. 5 bares locales. Ofertas exclusivas de bebidas (1-3 €), fotos gratuitas y una mezcla de música en vivo y DJs. Terminamos la noche en una enorme fiesta callejera llamada Vucciria. Empezamos en Finch Lounge (Piazzetta Monteleone, 5). Si llegas tarde, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros para informarnos de que encontrarás nuestra ubicación. Acompáñanos en una increíble experiencia. Una noche para recordar. ¡Vamos a hacerlo!
Come como la gente de Palermo: tour por la comida callejera
We will take you on a journey through the flavors and aromas of Sicilian cuisine, starting with a visit to the local food market (open only during AM tour) Strolling through the market stalls we will introduce you to local vendors and show you how to select the best ingredients for our traditional recipes. After exploring the market we will continue our tour with several street food tastings and will end with a delicious dessert. During the PM tour you will taste the same local delicacies while strolling through famous squares where Giuseppe Garibaldi with his 1000 army soldiers declared Sicily the part of Italy and visit some main spots related to the Revolution. This is not just a street food tour, we will also share with you the local history, stories and anecdotes. Join us for this unforgettable gastronomic tour to experience the true flavors of Sicily and to connect with the local culture! POINTS OF INTEREST FOR AM TOUR: Teatro Massimo - Local Food Market - Cathedral - Quattro Canti Square - Fontana Pretoria (the last stop) POINTS OF INTEREST FOR PM TOUR: Quattro Canti Square - Fontana Pretoria - Piazza Sant'Anna - Piazza Rivoluzione - Piazza Marina - Harbour / Cala di Palermo (the last stop)
Paseo en yate con todo incluido por la bahía de Mondello
Recorrido en yate de 52 metros. Salida a las 10: 00 am desde el puerto turístico de Palermo a Baia Di Mondello, 30 minutos en barco ligero y relajante. Mar cristalino con un fondo bajo y arenoso que también es adecuado para niños. Todo incluido, incluyendo bebidas. Aperitivo ,aperitivos y Sprtiz. Almuerzo completo y rico: aperitivo fresco con marisco y productos sicilianos, a seguir ,cocinado a bordo, pasta marinara fresca, café, fruta en Bellavista. Vino blanco frío o cerveza, agua mineral, cola. Baño en aguas cristalinas con acceso por escaleras, colchones de aire grandes, esnórquel, paddle board. Ducha exterior e inodoro interior, cabaña para objetos personales. Amplias tumbonas abiertas acolchadas en la proa o zonas sombreadas con doseles. Música Bluetooth de tu elección y diversión. Sesión de fotos incluida,si te gusta recordar tu día en la playa. Regresa a las 17: 30, pasando por la antigua Tonnara dei Florio y el pueblo pesquero de Arenella. INCLUSO PUESTAS DE SOL o NOCHES, por acordar. También para fiestas de cumpleaños,despedida de despedida de soltera, despedida de Celibato, eventos y aniversarios. Celebra el pastel y el vino espumoso Brut,los globos y los banquetes. Un día inolvidable y único. Máximo 14 personas, como exclusivo Grupo Privado. Posibilidad de diferentes horarios para tus solicitudes o necesidades.
Tour in barca a vela con aperitivo Palermo
Vivi l'esperienza di navigare in barca a vela lungo le coste della splendida Città di Palermo. Un momento unico da condividere con i tuoi amici e con le persone a te più care. Goditi un bagno rinfrescante in una delle baie più famose tra le acque cristalline in totale relax. Saremo felici di offrirti un freschissimo light aperitivo con snack e bevanda mentre ti lascerai piacevolmente cullare dalle onde. Avrai la possibilità di fare snorkeling con con le maschere messe a tua disposizione o semplicemente rilassarti al sole sui nostri materassini galleggianti o fare una pagaiata con il SUP. La barca a vela è un'esperienza unica per una navigazione silenziosa ed ecologica che ti restituirà il contatto con la natura e tutta l'energia del mare con i suoni delle onde e del vento.

Actividades cerca de las principales atracciones

Teatro MassimoRecomendado por 834 habitantes locales
Cattedrale di PalermoRecomendado por 746 habitantes locales
Palacio de los NormandosRecomendado por 494 habitantes locales
Quattro CantiRecomendado por 344 habitantes locales
Mercato del CapoRecomendado por 321 habitantes locales
Villa GiuliaRecomendado por 145 habitantes locales

Experiencias cerca de Sferracavallo

Ruta de bares por Palermo
Únete a Pub Crawl Palermo para disfrutar de una noche inolvidable y divertida, con buen rollo y recuerdos increíbles. ¡No te pierdas! ¡Reserva hoy mismo ! Ocio nocturno número1 en Palermo por TripAdvisor y Airbnb. 5 bares locales. Ofertas exclusivas de bebidas (1-3 €), fotos gratuitas y una mezcla de música en vivo y DJs. Terminamos la noche en una enorme fiesta callejera llamada Vucciria. Empezamos en Finch Lounge (Piazzetta Monteleone, 5). Si llegas tarde, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros para informarnos de que encontrarás nuestra ubicación. Acompáñanos en una increíble experiencia. Una noche para recordar. ¡Vamos a hacerlo!
Tour por Palermo: auténtica comida callejera y mercados
If you want to taste authentic Sicilian street food and catch the real soul of Palermo, this is the right choice! We will walk you around the Capo and Vucciria markets to enjoy the best local street food. You will try the original arancini recipe at the only place in town that still makes it! We will take you to family-run bakeries, delis and old inns to sample traditional street food and sip some regional wine ;) We will unveil the secrets of Sicilian cuisine, and discuss the history of foods and recipes. You'll meet market vendors and funny street characters. Try this out if you want to experience real Palermo and leave your comfort zone. Not only food! During the walk, we will also discuss other topics like history, traditions and social issues (eg. mafia). We will also share with you the best tips to enjoy the rest of your stay like a real local. MUST KNOW: traditional street food is super tasty and regulated by the "3 F" rule: Fried, Fat, Full of carbs. MORNING TOUR: explore the local markets of Capo and Vucciria. Choose the morning option to experience the colorful and lively markets. EVENING TOUR: let us take you around the intricate alleys of the modern port of La Cala and the busy nightlife area of La Vucciria. Choose the night tour to skip summer heat and try some unique night-time bites. If there are any vegetarians or pescatarians, please inform us previously.
Los sicilianos que se rebelaron contra la mafia
You will walk with me or one of my fellow team members through the main roads and the back streets of the picturesque old town. You will learn about the Mafia, its brutal violence and its business, as well as about the people who stood up against the power of the organised crime. We will stop in front of monuments, memorials and shops, each is connected with a particular aspect of our story. Sometimes a small detail, that seems unsignificant at first glance, has a story behind it that is worth to be told. An example: Addiopizzo stickers on the shops windows we will see along the walking tour. They belongs to shopkeepers who have said NO to the protection money! You will also have the chance to support them, just buying a gelato, some local products or a souvenir of Palermo. Other things to note: You can recognize me because at the meeting point I will have a "No Mafia" backpack on my shoulder. IMPORTANT! The tour is offered in English, Italian or French, depending from the dates. Please scroll down this page and choose the correct date/language in the section "SEE MORE DATES".
Sabores de Sicilia: visita al mercado y clase de cocina (Palermo)
An exclusive and personalized culinary adventure - where master class meets lunch with friends :) Discover gourmet ingredients at the famous Del Capo Market and learn from a skilled chef as you create mouthwatering dishes together. WHAT TO EXPECT Morning Experiences: We’ll meet outside the market for a refreshing treat and then start a private 30 minute discovery. You’ll learn to choose out the best Sicilian ingredients, meet the friendly vendors and even sample some goodies. Next, we’ll make our way to my air conditioned kitchen for a fun interactive 3 hr cooking session. You can expect to learn about ingredients while actively making a delicious 3 course meal*. The menu varies according to the season but is comprised of a starter (usually pasta), main & dessert. Afterwards, enjoy a relaxed and delicious lunch with a couple of glasses of fine Sicilian wine. Evening Experiences: We will meet i the Piazza in front of the cooking studio. We will make 3 courses, including homemade pasta and enjoy Sicilian wines. The experience is from 5-8:30pm BY REQUEST ONLY! I look forward to sharing “la dolce vita” with you! * Please let me know of any food allergies or restrictions when you book, I’ll happily adapt the menu whenever possible! ** Cette experience est également disponible en français!!
Esnórquel en el mar y aperitivo
(Si no encuentras fechas disponible contactame igualmente y también si tu equipo es muy largo) Bordeando la costa de mondello donde empezaremos, reserva natural de capogallo y mar permitiendo subir hasta el islote de las mujeres (isola delle femmine) .Vamos a hacer baños de sol y mar durante la navegación. Entre las actividades también se puede hacer snorkel. Aperitivo a bordo con vino blanco , cerveza y chips y algo de picar siciliano.Duración del recorrido alrededor de 4 horas y más. Para cualquier consulta o solicitud como diferentes necesidades en el momento, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo antes de reservar. Vamos a visitar: - Addaura - Golfo di Mondello - Riserva di Capo Gallo - Grotta dell' olio - Sferracavallo - Isolotto delle femmine

Experiencias cerca de Addaura

Excursiones privadas en barco
Come rendere la tua vacanza a Palermo unica ? Tour in barca privata della durata di 4 ore circa con partenza (la mattina alle 9:30 circa e il pomeriggio alle 14 circa o sempre ad un orario concordato secondo la disponibilità della barca ).Salperemo dal porto di Marina Arenella dotati di macchina fotografica subacquea per immortalare i vostri momenti più belli in cui visiteremo lo spettacolare golfo di Mondello lontano dal caos della spiaggia in cui effettueremo la prima sosta bagno ,successivamente ci addentreremo nella spettacolare Riserva Naturale di Capo Gallo effettuando due soste in cui sarà possibile fare dell'ottimo snorkeling nuotando in mezzo ai pesci per proseguire fino all'Isolotto delle femmine un incantevole isola di fronte la costa palermitana.Infine al ritorno si passerà davanti al paese dei pescatori di barcarello per effettuare un ultima sosta bagno nelle coste dell'addaura .Il tutto sarà accompagnato da un aperitivo a base di frutta per rendere il più confortevole possibile la vostra esperienza. La Barca e dotata di stereo,doccetta e tendalino/5 Altre cose da tenere a mente L'imbarcazione e lunga 7 metri dotata di ampio prendi sole avanti e dietro dotata di doccetta, stereo e tutte le dotazioni di sicurezza
Sesión de fotos de Instagram en Palermo
¡Este es un recorrido fotográfico adaptado a cualquiera! ¡Viajeros solos, parejas, familias, amigos, modelos, personas influyentes o personas simplemente cansadas de selfies! Recuerdos fotográficos en el auténtico Centro Histórico: Recorreremos las viejas calles de Palermo, buscando sus lugares emblemáticos y plazas secretas, compartiré contigo mis lugares favoritos y, por supuesto, caminaremos por los lugares más emblemáticos de la ciudad, mientras capturamos El momento para ti con mi cámara. ¿Primera vez que tienes una sesión de fotos? No hay necesidad de preocuparse. Incluso si es la primera vez que tomas una sesión de fotos, será fácil, ya que te contaré todo sobre cómo posar. Y si desea una sesión de fotos con su pareja, familia o amigos, esta será una experiencia muy divertida. Será una buena caminata, así que debes estar preparado para divertirte en el camino. *** Editaré todas tus mejores fotos y enviaré todas las fotos (50 o más fotos para 10 lugares) en 1 día ***
Paseo y degustación de comida callejera en Palermo
My name is Domenico Aronica and i m the founder of the website palermowalkingtour(com). My group tour is not just a food tour, but it's a mix of history, culture, architecture, monuments and street food. The MORNING GROUP WALKING TOUR starts at 9.30 am, with me or with my team of official Tour Guides and we will walk for 3 hours / 4 km. In the first part of the Walking Tour we will visit monuments and churches and in the second part of the Walking Tour we will explore the big outdoor food market and we will eat the famous street food of Palermo (food included, no fish). At the end of the tour I will give you many suggestions of what you can do on your own in Palermo. You will understand Palermo and its old history! This group tour is not suggested for children under 7 years old, the group tour is in english. Other things to note: Street food tastings like arancini, focaccia, fresh juice, cannoli, etc (it’s like a lunch! food included, no fish) and entrances fees in the churches that we will visit are included. Before book a private tour please send me a message to check my availability.
Tour in barca a vela Palermo
Mondello o Capo Zafferano "EXPERIENCE " Il Tour da me proposto inizia con l' appuntamento al Molo Trapezoidale della Palermo Marina Yachting presso il pontile Adorno&Giacalone, da dove partiremo in direzione del Golfo di Mondello o verso Capo Zafferano. Durante la navigazione gli ospiti potranno vivere una esperienza unica, ammirando la bellezza della costa palermitana. Giunti in rada, si potrà fare il bagno e degustare un aperitivo tipico siciliano, accompagnato da un ottimo vino locale. Potrete prendere il sole comodamente a prua e/o godere di un ampia zona ombreggiata a poppa. Verranno messi a vostra disposizione materassini da mare, Sup e maschere subacque per fare snorkeling. Se è possibile, potremmo organizzare anche un cambio di orario e/o evento. In caso di avverse condizioni meteo l'esperienza verrà annullata e sarete interamente rimborsati.
Ruta en bicicleta por Palermo y degustación
We’ll discover the architecturally-impressive Piazza Bellini e Piazza Pretoria, with outstanding examples of Arabic, Norman, Byzantine and Spanish art. Then we’ll ride across the main ancient “Cassaro” street, visiting the outstanding square of San Francesco, the impressive “Piazza Marina” with its giant ficus trees and the massif “Steri palace” that once housed the Spanish Inquisition. We’ll gain the charming tourist port of the “Cala” and then the spectacular expanse of greenery called “Foro Italico”, admiring beautiful seafront buildings and the unique view over the coast of Palermo. We’ll end up this tour with a taste of our unique traditional street food (arancini, panelle, milza, etc.) and then we’ll return the bikes at our drop-off point at Discesa dei Giudici. Other things to note This tour is suitable for all people. It is a slowly tour. We have also electric bikes (20 euro extra). We ride only in safe area.

Experiencias cerca de Politeama

Paseo en yate con todo incluido por la bahía de Mondello
Recorrido en yate de 52 metros. Salida a las 10: 00 am desde el puerto turístico de Palermo a Baia Di Mondello, 30 minutos en barco ligero y relajante. Mar cristalino con un fondo bajo y arenoso que también es adecuado para niños. Todo incluido, incluyendo bebidas. Aperitivo ,aperitivos y Sprtiz. Almuerzo completo y rico: aperitivo fresco con marisco y productos sicilianos, a seguir ,cocinado a bordo, pasta marinara fresca, café, fruta en Bellavista. Vino blanco frío o cerveza, agua mineral, cola. Baño en aguas cristalinas con acceso por escaleras, colchones de aire grandes, esnórquel, paddle board. Ducha exterior e inodoro interior, cabaña para objetos personales. Amplias tumbonas abiertas acolchadas en la proa o zonas sombreadas con doseles. Música Bluetooth de tu elección y diversión. Sesión de fotos incluida,si te gusta recordar tu día en la playa. Regresa a las 17: 30, pasando por la antigua Tonnara dei Florio y el pueblo pesquero de Arenella. INCLUSO PUESTAS DE SOL o NOCHES, por acordar. También para fiestas de cumpleaños,despedida de despedida de soltera, despedida de Celibato, eventos y aniversarios. Celebra el pastel y el vino espumoso Brut,los globos y los banquetes. Un día inolvidable y único. Máximo 14 personas, como exclusivo Grupo Privado. Posibilidad de diferentes horarios para tus solicitudes o necesidades.
Recorrido fotográfico por Palermo
Comparte tu pasión por la fotografía conmigo y te llevaré al corazón de Palermo. Gracias a los senderos peatonales, te dejaré descubrir los rincones ocultos de los recorridos turísticos y encontraremos un punto de vista desconocido sobre mi ciudad. Los recorridos programados para los lunes, jueves y viernes comienzan a las 6 am para admirar un hermoso amanecer sobre la ciudad de Palermo desde uno de los barrios más cercanos al mar de la ciudad. Si no encuentras disponibilidad el día que te interese, ponte en contacto conmigo para concertar un horario especial. Los caminos son adecuados para tomar grandes fotografías con los muchos contrastes típicos de la ciudad de Palermo, comida callejera, folclore y tradiciones de Palermo. Con mi enfoque confidencial y amistoso, hablaremos con las personas y les ayudaré a tomar fotografías únicas. El recorrido se puede centrar en géneros urbanos, urbex, paisaje, naturaleza y entorno, street ph, arichitettura, vida nocturna. A petición de todo el grupo y de todos los participantes, también puedo dirigir grupos en los pueblos costeros más cercanos de la ciudad (Mondello, Vergine Maria, Addaura e Isola delle Femmine). Para obtener más información sobre mi estilo, visita mi perfil en s t a g r a m (@igiac_ph)
Adéntrate en la cocina siciliana
On a typical lesson day we meet in the morning at one of Palermo’s oldest markets, shop around for any items we will need for the lesson and then stroll to the air-conditioned kitchen in The Sicilian Pantry cookery school where we prepare a 4 course Sicilian meal, learning the techniques and tricks needed to recreate it when you return home. Meals are made up of a starter, pasta course, main course and desert (changes can be made for individuals with specific dietary requirements where appropriate). After the lesson we can sit down together to enjoy the fruits of our labour along with a selection of Sicilian wines rounded off with some homemade liqueurs and coffee. We believe that the true expression of Sicilian cuisine comes from the quality of its fresh seasonal produce so we strive to always ensure that we have the best of what Sicily has to offer in order to share this with our guests. This is an entertaining and informative day out, recommended for cooks of all levels. Other things to note Please let us know as soon as possible if you (or any in your party) have any dietary requirements, intolerances etc.
Sicilian/Italian cooking class & Lunch
We will cook typical dishes of Italian and specifically Sicilian cuisine. such as Cannoli, Pasta alla Norma, Arancine, Fresh pasta such as Tagliatelle, Lasagna and Gnocchi and the inevitable Tiramisu !! You can't miss good Italian wine. Other things to note If by chance you want to try something different than what I propose ... I would be happy to accommodate you to make your experience unforgettable. I am ready for any culinary request and with my Co-Host Rossella will enjoy the lesson.
Palermo e la sua storia
Il tour da me proposto farà assaporare ai miei ospiti la città di Palermo fin dalle sue prime origini, ne avranno una piena contezza passeggiando attorno ai suoi monumenti, li guarderanno con meraviglia senza mai assuefarsi. Architetture, vicoli, strade, mercati, folklore saranno il tema portante della passeggiata che sarà via via un crescendo di emozioni. I miei ospiti si sentiranno a loro agio in una città che fa dell'ospitalità il suo biglietto da visita. Altre cose da tenere a mente Eventuali ingressi in edifici storici o monumenti sono esclusi dal costo della prenotazione. Porterò con me una macchina fotografica di modo che in ogni luogo visitato gli ospiti verranno immortalati. Invierò successivamente tutte le foto scattate via mail.
  1. Airbnb
  2. Italia
  3. Sicily
  4. Metropolitan City of Palermo
  5. Palermo